Kissimmee, Florida

Which Kissimmee Company Offers Repair Services for Window Treatments?

You should take pride in your window treatments. They complement your home’s décor while providing you with privacy and the ability to control the light that passes through your rooms. So what are you to do when a careless guest dislodges your vertical blinds? When your beloved pooch chews through a horizontal slat? When an errant soccer ball cracks your ...

Are Custom Window Blinds for Your Kissimmee Home Expensive?

You might be outfitting a new house, or maybe you’re updating your style with a remodel. Whatever the case may be, at the end of the day you survey your rooms and realize all that’s missing is the final touch: window treatments. You could probably find some at your local hardware store, but readymade blinds look generic and never fit ...

Are Wood Shutters Suitable for Bathrooms?

Your bathroom may be one of the most difficult rooms in your home to choose window treatments for. You want it to feel luxurious, a place to soak in your tub and release all of the day’s cares and worries. However, the frequent combination of heat and steam in a bathroom creates an exacting climate for soft or fragile materials. ...

How to Choose the Right Window Treatments for Your Home

Choosing window treatments often feels like a daunting task. The sheer number of available styles drives many homeowners into “choice paralysis” — the inability to make decisions in the face of overwhelming options. Fortunately for you, choosing the right window treatment doesn’t need to feel oppressive. As you weigh your options, remember to consider the three F’s: function, facility, and ...

Are Roller Shades a Good Investment?

When it comes to choosing window treatments, many homeowners turn to roller shades due to their simplicity and versatility. Their clean profile complements any homeowners’ personal interior decorating style while providing their windows with a “finished” look. The more astute homeowner, however, might stop to think about the longevity of their choice. Window treatments are a commitment, after all, and ...

Are Wood Shutters Durable?

Homeowners traditionally choose wood shutters due to their combination of function and form. When tilted, the louvers offer a great deal of control over light and airflow throughout a room. But more than that, shutters add a touch of refinement and “completeness” to every home. The use of wood as a construction material only amplifies this sense of refinement, with ...

Want Wood Plantation Shutters for the Outside of Your Home? Turn to US Verticals in Kissimmee, FL

Yes, you read that right. US Verticals offers wood plantation shutters for outside the home. You might be wondering: “Aren’t shutters designed for a home’s interior?” Or: “Is wood durable enough to be used outside?” We get those questions a lot, and we’re always happy to provide a little history. First, plantation shutters were actually made to be used as ...

Stylish Window Treatments for Budget-Conscious Homeowners

Window treatments can be a hidden cost in home décor. It’s not uncommon for a homeowner to put off decorating a home because of the expenses associated with buying the property. No doubt, you’ve seen homes in your neighborhood with pretty bedsheets or tablecloths serving as window curtains. There’s no shame in that. In fact, there’s something to admire about ...

Choosing Window Treatments for Home Insulation

Some homeowners want window treatments that blend seamlessly with their home’s décor while others like window treatments that make dramatic design statements. Whatever the case may be, in today’s market, you’ll find a range of options to satisfy both preferences. However, when it comes to home insulation, very few window coverings would qualify as effective options. True, any good window ...

What Rooms Are Best for Wooden Shutters?

Wooden shutters are arguably one of the more attractive window treatments for homes, but are they suitable for every room? As some interior designers may tell you, that depends on their features. First, all shutters are basically designed the same, with hinged, louvered panels that are mounted inside a window (outside for exterior shutters) and can be closed for light ...

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